Leisure Link translates leisure ambitions into visible results. To create these results, it starts with a clear strategy including goals, principles and target groups. But creating a strategy alone doesn’t make a difference: it needs to be translated into specific activities to achieve the goals. Connecting strategy to actions and visible result is the strength of Leisure Link.
Leisure strategy
To grow and develop as a touristic destination, leisure operator or real estate owner, is necessary to have a clear view of what’s desired to be achieved. Leisure Link creates a strong strategy, where organizations, employees or stakeholders can work with. At this moment, Leisure Link is working on the touristic strategy of Den Bosch, which forms the basis of future development.
Leisure acquisition
Touristic destinations, like museums, attractions, sights and tours, are an important reason for visitors to choose a city or region. And the more visitors can do, the longer they will stay. Many Leisure companies are looking for new opportunities and locations. With the right approach, suitable companies can be Linked to your location. The most recent success of Leisure Link was a Legoland Discovery Centre coming to The Hague (opening 2019).
Leisure marketing
To attract visitors, marketing is an essential activity of a company. But how the marketing should be executed, depends strongly on what you want to achieve and more importantly, who. Leisure Link realizes a clear view on goals, your audience and the necessary marketing activities. Years of experience in the leisure marketing of The Hague form the basis of the expertise.
Leisure project- & (interim) management
Sometimes leisure companies -like destination marketing organizations, attractions or governments- need have a specific project to be realized or a (interim) management solution. Leisure Link is experienced in realizing Leisure projects or solving (interim) management problems. Examples include the hospitalityprogram of a museum, the realization of pedestrian signage and the expansion of an attraction.
How Leisure Link works
If you are interested, please contact Leisure Link. During an intake, the goals and ambitions will be discussed, as well as the desired results. Based on this meeting, a proposal will be drafted and send. Working with Leisure Link, you will never be confronted with sudden surprises: there are fixed fees and clear defined deliverables.